Anxiety in children is common, but with the right support, they can thrive. Learn how to recognise anxiety, its causes, and ways to help your child manage it.
What is Marathon Couples Therapy?
Marathon Couples Therapy is a transformative approach to relationship counselling, offering intensive sessions that help couples address key concerns over a short period. Learn how this method can strengthen your connection, resolve conflicts, and create lasting progress.
6 Questions NOT to ask during the holidays
If you want to make others feel more included and comfortable and respected, have a think about what you might be saying, what you might be asking and how that could make the other person feel.
Why You Should Name Your Child’s Emotions
Why You Should Name Your Child’s Emotions Picture this, you’re already running late for school on a Monday morning and your child is still in their...
All Things Play Therapy
All Things Play Therapy So, what is Play Therapy? In a very quick nutshell of an answer, Play Therapy is a form of child-led psychotherapy for...
Self Care tips
Here are some of my best self care tips. Self care is really important, whether you only have 5 minutes or a whole day, there are lots of different...
5 tips for setting boundaries
The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, which challenges our personal boundaries. Most people are getting ready for the holidays...
What do I tell my kids if I’m separating from my partner?
Going through a separation or divorce in your family is hard enough, then you have to try to work out how to tell your children. How do you tell...
For parents and carers
My teenager hates me! My teen doesn’t listen to me! My teen is anxious and stressed out. My teen is lonely and depressed. Does this sound like you?...