Mood tracking

Mood tracking

Our mood plays an important role in determining our levels of energy, our motivation, what we focus on and how we engage with those around us. Lots of things can impact our mood, how much sleep we get, what we eat, if we do activities that energise and inspire us....
Mood tracking

5 tips for setting boundaries

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, which challenges our personal boundaries. Most people are getting ready for the holidays and many are also battling with the end of the school year. The end of the school year has challenges for children of...
World Social Work Day

World Social Work Day

Today I attended a national social work day event, this years theme was ‘Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships’. A topic so relevant today in our current climate of fear, hostility and political turbulence. The keynote speaker was founder and CEO of the...