Top 5 tips to overcoming fear, perfectionism, and a little procrastination.

1) Remember your why?

During difficult times when I was overwhelmed with learning web design and trying to get a logo done I had to remind myself about why I was doing this. What was my purpose and the bigger picture?

2) KISS Keep it Simple Stupid

This good old phrase popped into a podcast I was listening to and stopped me dead in my tracks. Originating in the 60’s I believed in the context of the US Navy, its has been thrown around a lot here and there but for me really struck a chord. I was able to give things a go and the result was my last (and first ever) post on fear.

3) Do one small thing each day towards your bigger goal.

This one classic saying comes to mind ”How do you eat an elephant?”  ”One bite at a time!”  Yes it’s big, yes it’s tough and it may seem impossible at times, just take it one bite at a time.

4) Find your crew and listen to those that count. Not the critics

I mentioned in my earlier post I was debilitated by fear and anxiety and the judgment that can come when creating things online. As a huge Brene Brown fan I went back to my old books and took lessons from her stories. I found those who matter to me and sought there wisdom and support. Their constructive feedback helped get me going. For a little Brene inspiration here’s one of my favourites

5) Self care

This was more important now than ever, after hours chipping away behind a laptop after a full day at work my brain felt tired, I felt fatigued and it was impacting my relationships. I needed to prioritise eating well and staying active. I started waking up early (for those who know me you won’t believe it but yes, 6.10am the alarm would go off) to get in a walk with the dog, sitting down for a cup of tea to relax before riding to work.

If you’ve got tips of your own that have worked for you I’d love to hear them!