For those needing immediate, focused support, The Therapy Hub offers intensive EMDR sessions. These marathon sessions allow you to dive deep into...
Reasons Couples Avoid Therapy and Why You Shouldn’t Wait
A major reason people avoid couples therapy is the fear of being blamed. They worry that the therapist will point fingers, or that they’ll leave feeling worse about themselves. But therapy isn’t about assigning fault.
More Relationships Die By Ice Than By Fire
One of the most common complaints I hear from couples is that one or both of the partners feel lonely, or they are not important, or that the relationship itself is not important. Things get busy, like it gets hectic and over scheduled and the relationship takes a back seat. There is still love there, but sometimes it feels like strangers living together, the connection and fun is pushed aside by work, childcare, housework, social media, family, or friends.
Understanding Sexual Scripts and Their Impact on Relationships
Understanding sexual scripts is crucial for recognising how deeply ingrained patterns influence intimacy and relationship dynamics. By exploring these subconscious rules, we can uncover the expectations they create, challenge harmful beliefs, and cultivate more fulfilling connections with our partners. This article delves into how sexual scripts are formed, their cultural roots, and practical steps to reshape them for healthier relationships.
Five Things to Do Before Your First Therapy Session
Preparing for your first therapy session can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Discover five essential things to do before your first therapy session that will help you ease anxiety, clarify your goals, and start your journey with confidence.
What is Gottman Couples Therapy
Relationships are built on feeling heard, loved, seen, and supported—these are so important for a fulfilling connection, which is the focus of our Couple Therapy sessions,
Psychologist? Counsellor or Social Worker?
Which Mental Health Professional is Right for You? People seek therapy for many reasons. While some may have been referred by their GP for mental...
When is couples therapy not suitable
There are a number of reasons that a therapist may choose not to continue working with a couple, or upon assessment or intake forms, decide that couples therapy is not the right intervention at this time.
The Power of State of the Union Meetings in Strengthening Relationships
A State of the Union meeting is a dedicated hour each week where couples sit down to reflect on their relationship.
Creating Rituals of Connection and Strengthening Your Relationship
Rituals of Connection are essential for building strong relationships. Relationships aren’t just about date nights, weekend getaways, and intimacy. While these moments are enjoyable, a healthy and strong relationship is built on trust and commitment.
Knowing When to Ask a Professional About Anxiety
Knowing When to Ask a Professional About Anxiety When is anxiety getting in the way? Many of us experience anxiety, sometimes without realising it....
What Does a Therapists Day Look Like?
Whats A Day In The Life of An Accredited Mental Health Social Worker in Private Practice look like?