Supporting the Transition to High School

Supporting the Transition to High School

The transition to high school is exciting—but it can also be overwhelming for both kids and parents. I remember it so clearly. I had a backpack and blazer that were way too big, new polished shoes and I was looking forward to a real canteen! I couldn’t wait to...
Are Your Holiday Boundaries Strong Enough?

Are Your Holiday Boundaries Strong Enough?

Tips for Setting Holiday Boundaries The holiday season is full of joy and connection, but it can also leave many of us overwhelmed and stretched too thin. Between family gatherings, Secret Santas, fundraisers, work parties, gift shopping, and endless to-do lists, it’s...
Why Does My Teen Seem So Anxious, and How Can I Help?

Why Does My Teen Seem So Anxious, and How Can I Help?

Parenting teens can feel like navigating a minefield of emotions and challenges, and anxiety is often one of the most confusing parts of this stage of life. This post explores why teens seem so anxious, what might be contributing to those feelings, and how you can...