
s  sFees

Our fees vary depending on the service you are seeking and which therapist in our team that you see. Our fees are less than the Australian Psychological Society’s and Australian Association of Social Worker’s recommended fee schedule. Report writing is billed at the therapists session rate.

Our standard appointment length is 50 minutes, you may request a longer or shorter session which we charge accordingly.

Individual Therapy

  • Registered Counsellors and Registered Social Workers – $190*
  • Therapists (Accredited Mental Health Social Workers and Psychologists) – $230 -$240*
  • Senior Therapists, Couples and Family Therapists – $260 – 280*

*some therapists may charge an additional fee of $20 for after hours and weekends

Marathon Couples Sessions

Two day or three day marathon sessions the cost is from $4500. Learn more here.

This includes a comprehensive assessment using the Gottman Relationship checkup and a customised treatment plan for you as a couple.

Couples Counselling with Marie Vakakis

The Assessment phase consists of an appointment together as a couple, then each person individually than together again.

  • First Appointment (80 minutes) includes Gottman assessment – $500
  • Individual appointments $280 (50 minutes)
  • $420 – subsequent couple appointments (80 minutes)

A commitment of weekly or fortnightly sessions (to be discussed with your therapist) for several months is recommend for couples to get the most out of the sessions.


If you obtain a Mental Health Treatment Plan from your GP or are referred by your psychiatrist you may be eligible to claim back a rebate from Medicare for each session, up to 10 sessions in a calendar year. This applies to individual counselling only, not couple or family therapy. Refer to the referral options page for more information about how to obtain a Medicare rebate and to learn more about third-party funding options.

Other funding options

We also accept referrals for

  • NDIS self-managed and plan-managed
  • TAC
  • Workcover


If you’d like to talk with us about how counselling can help you and your family feel more connected and improve your relationships please contact us today for an appointment.

(03) 9958 8772